ACFWA Spring Tour
Peek at the Valley
June 19-20
We’re so glad you’re joining us at the Atlantic Canada Farm Writers' Association Spring Tour, Peek at the Valley, in the Annapolis Vallley, N.S., June 19 and 20, 2023. The days will be full and fun! Connect with your local farm writer colleagues, learn first-hand how Nova Scotia agriculture is thriving and meet the farmers making it happen.
We deliberately left time in the schedule for travel from most points in Atlantic Canada and left most of the meals and accommodations on our own, in order the facilitate planning.
(subject to change)
Monday, June 19
1 p.m. - Tour of Kentville Research and Development Centre
3:15 p.m. - Tour of Charles Keddy Farm Ltd., Lakeville. One of the largest strawberry nurseries in Canada, with partnerships with researchers across North America. Keddy's recently built the first machine in Canada that will use UV sterilization as a pest management strategy in berries. The farm uses constant on-farm innovation to ensure maximum production, environmental stewardship and financial stability.
5 p.m. - Dinner, at our own expense
Tuesday, June 20
8:30 a.m. - Noggins Corner Farm, Greenwich.
- Century+ farm, that continues to evolve with CSAs, online shopping with at home delivery, corn maze, apple and pumpkin picking, hall rentals, wholesale, packing house, dehydrated food lab and cider room.
10 a.m. - Tap Root Farms, Port Williams. Since purchasing the organic farm in 2007, Patricia Bishop and Josh Oulton have been steadily increasing the number of acres in transition to organic and today TapRoot Farms is 70% organic. We'll hear their story, see what they do on the farm and learn about regenerative agriculture.
11:30 a.m. - Free Lunch, with ACFWA business meeting, including the formation of the 2024 CFWF Conference Organizing Team, to be hosted by ACFWA and based in Halifax.
1:30 p.m. - Wood 'n Hive, Port Williams. Gear up, we’re taking a bee tour! Wood ‘n Hive produces local honey products, candles, beeswax wraps, bee colonies. Their retail shop is home to an observation hive as well as the extraction equipment.
Registration price of $75 includes:
- ACFWA membership for one year (including membership to CFWF and IFAJ)
- Lunch on Tuesday, June 20
- Snacks throughout the tour
- All farm tour stops
Reach out to Allison Finnamore.
IFAJ 2023
June 27-July 3, Calgary, Alberta
Join us in Calgary, Alberta as we welcome our international colleagues to the IFAJ 2023 Congress, New Frontiers in the West. Full details, including registration, tour descriptions and more, are available here.